Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Reflections of Our Missions Trip

by Linda Blakely

Okay, so I know more than a little Spanish and can make my wants known in a Spanish speaking country. But after Kenny asked me to go with the medical mission team to Honduras, my confidence in myself as a translator fell to a very low point. I had said yes I would go, now I began to question whether that was the right decision and was on the verge of backing down. My husband had no fears with my abilities and gave me encouragement. Even Daniel Moore, pastor of La Iglesia Bautista de Statesville had confidence in my Spanish. How was I ever going to learn all the medical vocabulary! Beverly Wright had the answer to that because she had a book, Spanish for Health Care Professionals, which she loaned me. I knew most of the words for the parts of the body that one can see, but those on the inside of the body were another matter. I began using the method I taught my students in Spanish class, making small flashcards with the Spanish word or phrase on one side and the English on the other. On the flights to Honduras I was still studying.

In Psalm 34: 4 David wrote, “ I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from my fears.” After arriving in Tegucigalpa and meeting Steve and Elaine, our North Carolina coordinators I felt that we were in God’s hands in this foreign land and they were our guides, walking along with us. They gave us advice (Do not drink the water or put your toothbrush in it.) and explained some cultural aspects that we would observe (Hondurans do not require as much personal space as we Americans do. They hug more than we do).

I am sure God prepared the way for us in every aspect, from the places we were to set up the clinics, the individual people we would see and even to the two young ladies who served as our Honduran translators. I was assigned to the pharmacy area with Paulette and Kinnan along with Linda Meadors. It was my job to tell each person who received medicine what kind of medicine they received, when to take it and for how long. If I needed a word in Spanish that I could not think of, there was always a translator or someone who could help. We were the last of the team to have contact with the people. They were so appreciative and patient. It continually amazed me how they stood in the hot sun waiting for hours to be seen in the clinic, traveled many miles on foot and yet had beautiful smiles on their faces. They always thanked us and asked God’s blessing on us. It was a blessing to be able to provide a packet of Tylenol, Advil or vitamins, some eye drops, an antibiotic or cough syrup. Often someone would ask me if we had eye glasses so they could see to read. It was so sad to tell them we did not have any. I thank God for giving me this wonderful opportunity to serve on this team and meet all those who came to the clinic. I met many new brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray the people we served who are not Christians will come to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him for the rest of their lives. To God be the Glory.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Honduran Impressions

by Wanda Stutts

Honduras - the name of a Latin American country known only to me as a spot on the globe prior to 2/25/09. Now the name of Honduras evokes the following images/impressions
  • an 11 year old boy who walked miles on a dusty, rocky road by himself to seek medical attention for a broken arm (broken a week earlier);
  • an elderly woman who rode a donkey a long distance with stroke-like symptoms to seek whatever medical attention that was available at the "clinic";
  • young people with high blood pressures and little hope for healthy and long-life expectancies;
  • "Housing" that would be condemned even in the poorest areas of the USA;
  • a people infected with parasites, unsafe drinking water, overcrowded housing, and bodies aged too early by hard manual labor;
  • a dry, parched landscape with little food for herds of malnourished livestock and chickens.
Despite these images, the ones that left the lingering impressions that will be forever imprinted in my mind are:
  • a humble, gracious, and friendly people grateful for even a pack of Tylenol to give some temporary relief from aches and pains of a demanding and harsh lifestyle;
  • children and adults clean and dressed in their best despite living in dwellings that lacked running water and bathroom facilities;
  • hugs and smiles from some of the most beautiful children on the planet;
  • a pastor whose concern for the spiritual health of his people kept him sharing the Good News over and over again from morning to evening;
  • local volunteers eager to assist in any way they could.
These and so many others are the memories that I will carry with me. I have come to respect and admire these people for so many reasons, among them being their hospitality, their work ethic, and love of family. The lessons that I have learned from them have enriched my life in ways I would never have dreamed. As we leave this morning, I am so thankful to God for giving me (and all of us) this opportunity for service and for keeping us safe and healthy.

Reflections by Walt Meadors

Wow, what an experience we had this week. God took11 very different individuals who didn't know each other very well, and who were very much out of their comfort zone, and molded them into a well-oiled machine to do His work. Yes, we saw a lot of patients; yes, we gave out a lot of medicine, but more importantly we did what He called us to do. We were able to introduce the Honduran people to the God who sent us, and loves them as mch as He loves us. Even though we were different peoples who spoke different languages and had different appearances, we were all able to communicate through the language of Christ. Though this ministry was medical in name, it was spiritual in intent. We were able, through the medium of medicine, to bring many people to the church and introduce them to the word of God, probably many more than ever came to services. Hopefully we made some impression, not only about the love of Christ, but about their perception about Americans, trying to dispell the myths that are projected by the media. We are leaving this place forever changed by our experience. We will have burned into our memories the profound poverty of rural Choluteca, the smiles of the children, the lines in the faces of the elderly, the armed guards, the security walls and fences at every store and home, but also the friendliness and graciuosness of the people despite their circumstances.

I have been thinking about a mission trip for some time, but I always had some excuse or other priority--something that you talk about but you never really intend to do. This time God would not let me "wimp out". God has moved in all of our lives to bring us to this point where we could be used by Him. We have all received so much more than we have given on this trip. The 11 individuals who left Charlotte on Feb. 25th are not the same individuals who return today. We have all grown closer, not only with each other, but in our walk with Christ. We have seen that He helps us overcome all of our fears and doubts; He deals with whatever problems occur along the way. We just have to trust Him. I am so thankful that He did not allow me to do my ushal disappearing act when it comes to committing. Words can't adequately express how I feel. It will take some time to sort out my reaction. But let me encourage whomever may read about our experience to be still, listen to God's call, and follow and receive the blessings that He has promised us as His children. He will work a major change in your life. I look forward to Him continuing to work to change me, and bring me more fully into His will. Praise God for all He has done.

A Few of My Thoughts

A few of my thoughts: Honduras by Jackie Swope

Coming to Honduras has caused me to reevaluate my thinking about life as I know it. This week eleven of us have lived on whatever fit in a small suitcase and a "personal item". We are all happy and quite comfortable. I might add that I have decided that all those things back home I thought were essential are not only unnecessary but also cumbersome-weighing us down. How so? We spend time buying them, taking care of them, finding places to store them, being responsible for them, sometimes buying one for each member of the family, and replacing them when we deplete our supply.

I understand better what Jesus meant when HE said not to worry about our food or clothes in Matthew 5:25-34. JESUS admonishes us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all your needs will be met. How true--we can come here to help people in Jesus' name and He has provided our every need, kept us safe, happy, and to our relief--well-fed! In fact, we have laughed more this week than I remember in a long time. Could it be that we took the time to talk and enjoy one another? This week we clearly saw GOD at work: Just think about eleven people with different personalities and habits living together in tight quarters, bunk beds, and cold showers; yet, no one was irritable. Instead, we worked together as one team in 100 degree weather, treating 1100 patients in 4.5 days from headaches to all types of infections and rashes, including chickenpox, pregnancy, newborns, fractures, tumors, and seizures, adjusting our clinic sometimes every hour in order to accommodate the masses of people needing medical care.

This has been such a fun and rewarding week--I highly recommend it to everyone I know. It will help you get back in touch with what life is meant to be about--getting to know God better and loving Him more, for to know Him is to love Him and to serve Him is very rewarding.

We have bonded together like a family this week. In fact, when we moved to another city and house, three of our ladies had to sleep in another room and we missed them, preferring that they crowd into our room so we could all be together again.

When you get the chance to go somewhere--anywhere--for God, do it! Please don't stop to think about it--just trust God and do it! God is your faithful Father, and He will take care of you as He did us. He runs the entire universe and is intimately acquainted with every detail of our lives. Go--you'll be glad you did. It is truly a highlight in my life and a privilege to serve our great God!

Insights from Lynn

by Lynn Baynes

When I saw Kenny Lamm on my caller ID one day, I thought he must have been calling about school. Returning his call and him telling me about this trip, I only had one question--"Why me?" What made Kenny call me about a missions trip Front Street was going on? I asked him for a few days to pray about it and clear my calendar, but I had barely hung up the phone before I knew the answer. Too many times before I had asked God to wait for my timing and when it would be convenient for me to serve Him. This time I knew I had no choice, I needed to answer His call without excuses. I never thought until after I said, "Yes," that "Wow, I may not know anyone but Kenny on this trip." It turned out that I knew several already and after the first Sunday meeting, I knew I was with family.

God has started working before we left Statesville. I truly did not know what to expect in Honduras, I knew we were in God's hands to protect, guide, and use us for His purpose. As the people were pouring into the clinics each day, and telling me thing I totally could not understand, I would take a deep breath, say a prayer, and could feel an instant calming hand on my shoulder, and I knew I was not alone.

Treating patients from two weeks to ninety-four years old was interesting and challenging. Their needs were great and our numbers were few. However, they were grateful and never complained.

A smile is a universal language. Our poverty is their luxury. I would like to thank each team member for allowing this new kid on the block to tag along and be a part of this experience.

I love you all and look forward to working with you all again.

Kim's Thoughts

by Kim Mayberry

There is so much to be said about this Honduran trip, I hardly know where to begin. I can say that this has been a wonderful and memorable experience, and I am fortunate to have had this opportunity.

I had always thought I would like to go on a mission trip, particularly a medical one. I knew some trips were coming up and was happy to find out there was a place for me. I signed up, and then thought, "What in the world have I done?" I had so many doubts, and there was that fear of the unknown. I wondered how my family could possibly get along without me, and what my father would think about the entire idea. I wondered if I could afford to go, and then someone at work asked me if I could afford not to go. Where would we stay? Would we be able to eat the food? Would we stay safe and healthy? I had to remind myself what I know to be true. I was not in control, but God was, and He already had all the details of the trip planned. All I had to do was to trust and obey. I had to turn it all over to the Lord, and know that He would take care of all of our needs.

The thing that impressed me most was how humble the Honduran people were and how grateful they were, for even the smallest things that we take for granted. We are so fortunate! For example, I cannot imagine having a headache and not having medicine to take or needing medical care and being turned away because I could not pay. This was the case with the people we saw. People walked for miles and waited for hours to get their needs met, while we complain when we have to wait, even for a short while in the U.S. This was quite humbling.
Again, this has been an experience I will never forget. I feel I know what is important. I worked hard and also had a lot of fun. I want to thank everyone that prayed for us and helped in any way to make this mission trip possible.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Beverly's Insights

by Beverly Wright

Hello from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America. After finishing up 5 days doing medical missions in Choluteca, it's hard to believe that I am here. Here where God called me to serve during the Acts 1:8 weekend at Front Street Baptist Church. After having a mini-stroke 2 weeks ago, many of your thoughts were that I would not be able to fulfill the mission God has planned for me. All on my thoughts were focused on planning my follow-up appointments after the mission trip was over. I knew that it was God's will for me to do this incredible medical mission trip. We were able to triage and medically treat Honduran people from 2 weeks to 94 years old. Not only did we try to meet some of their physical needs , we also tried to meet some of their spiritual needs. We treated approximately 1100 patients physical needs and we know of approximately 40 whose spiritual needs were met. When we saw a person that walked for 3 hours in the hot sun with the outdoor temperature close to 100 degrees, it made most of us think about our feelings and thoughts when we have to wait for 30 minutes in an air-conditioned doctor's office in America. We say a young boy who walked to the clinic by himself, waited in line with many others patients for about 1 1/2 hours before we were able to tell him his forearm had been fractured. He never cried, never grimaced as we splinted his arm and told him he would have to go to the hospital for treatment. He waited with a smile on his face for 30 minutes to get medicine for pain from our pharmacy. Keep in mind that all we had for pain was Tylenol- not Tylenol with Codeine as we would have in America, but plain Tylenol. I think God sent me here to see what pampered spoiled Americans we really are. Next time I have to wait in line or don't get the things I think I need, I hope God will nudge me and remind me to pray for all the people in the world and to remember that patience is a virtue. I came to know my teammates in a way that only we can understand. I love all of them and truly enjoyed the time we spent together in Honduras.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last Day of Clinic

We had a wonderful last day of clinic, finishing up in the morning after seeing over 170 patients, bringing our total for the clinic to over 1050!

The team members have been absolutely awesome in their working together so cooperatively. There was never any complaining--just a desire to do whatever was necessary to serve God in this capacity. Each member of the team has come with a desire to serve God and to glorify Him through using their special training to advance His kingdom in Honduras. Be sure to read Kinnan's insights in the next entry for more understanding of what is going on in our team members' hearts.

We successfully made the journey through the mountains to Tegucigalpa, said goodbye to our wonderful Honduran friends, and enjoyed a great meal in our new home. Tomorrow will be a day for us to relax a bit after a very hard week of work. Thursday morning we will begin our journey back to Statesville.

Thanks, again, for your continued prayers. God's hand has definitely been on this team, and we know that your prayers have lifted us up and strengthened us.

Insights from Kinnan Johnson

Jeremiah 7:22-24 (CEV)
At the time I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, I didn't command them to offer sacrifices to me.Instead, I told them, "If you listen to me and do what I tell you I will be your God,you will be my people,and all will go well for you.

As many of you know I was about halfway through the Experiencing God study when Kenny asked me if I'd ever thought about going on a mission trip. As I worked in the study I really looked forward to what God was going to do in my life to allow me to experience Him as I never had before. But, boy I NEVER expected it so soon! First, God wasn't suppose to start working that quickly , I mean I wasn't even finished with the study yet! Second, He wasn't suppose to ask me to leave the country. Well as soon as Kenny asked I knew deep down what I was suppose to do....obey! But I needed a few days to "make real sure." As I agreed to come to Honduras I knew that this was God's call for my life and that He would take care of everything. Now as I reflect back over the last 3 months of preparation and these last 7 days in Honduras, I am just in awe at the way God has worked in everything we have done. He has kept us safe, very well fed, and healthy. We all obeyed God in this call and He has been true to His word...""If you listen to me and do what I tell you I will be your God, you will be my people,and all will go well for you."
What a privilege it has been to serve our God with this team this week! I didn't know Lynn before all the trip planning and knew Jackie only as an acquaintance. I loved the rest of the team as my church family and my brothers and sisters in Christ. After spending this week with all of them I love each and every one of them so much more and am grateful to have shared this Honduras experience with them. Thank you team for the best trip I have ever taken with a group! What a true joy it has been to obey and serve God with you.

Kinnan Johnson

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Clinic Location Today

We moved to a city church today to start our 1.5 day clinic. We began at 8:00 a.m. and ran until about 5:00 p.m. We saw about 320 patients today--bringing our total so far to 880 people! Needless to say, everyone was really tired after a very busy day. You can see the masses of people waiting in long lines in today's photos. Tomorrow, we will run the clinic from 7:30 until noon. At that time, we will begin our journey back to Tegucigalpa. Our Honduran interpreters have to be back in their college classes on Wednesday, so we have to return on Tuesday evening. Since it is not safe for us to drive after dark through the mountains to Tegucigalpa, we have to leave early in the afternoon. Wednesday will be a day for us to unwind and see a bit of that region of Honduras before returning to the US on Thursday.

Thank you for your prayers. God has really been lifted up this week. Please remember us in our last day of clinic and all of our traveling--especially me driving the truck on the three hour journey through the mountains (totally different driving styles here).

We have so much to share with you. I hope to update you tomorrow night sometime after we arrive at our destination.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday - a day of worship and rest

Sunday, March 1, 2009
by Linda Meadors

We got to sleep in until 5:45 for the cooks, and a little later for the rest of us. Walter cooked a wonderful breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and fruit, our first time cooking in the morning. Then we dressed in our Sunday best and were off in our trucks, after pumping up a slightly flat tire.

Shortly after beginning our journey on the "rocky road", Kenny's vehicle beeped the one in front of his to a stop, after noticing that the tire was decidedly flatter. We disembarked and the men began their work of replacing the flat tire. We had the blessing of a slightly cloudy day, early morning temperatures in the 80's, water for everyone, and a spare tire. As we patiently waited, some walked off to speak to children living nearby, some looked for huge flat rocks to use as a jack for the truck, and others moved from shady spot to shady spot, took pictures, and ducked to the side of our vehicles to avoid the dust when other huge trucks went bumping by. All were praying. We were entertained by passing cattle, bicycles, ponies, and men traveling standing in the backs of trucks.

Finally we were on our way, thankful for the spare and our heroic tire changers. We arrived a little late to find the church service already in progress, complete with a balloon bouncing 2 year old and lots of singing and clapping. The Americanos were welcomed and the congregation sang "How Great Thou Art", bringing tears to our eyes as we tried to match our words to the familiar melody, and succeeded in joining our Christian souls together as one congregation, praising our Lord and Savior. Several members sang and the minister thanked us for our generosity, not only with the medicines, but also with our spiritual leading.

The minister gave his sermon using Acts and Luke, and emphasizing our need to come together in fellowship, sharing all that we have with each other. When his sermon ended, more were invited to sing and our team went to the front of the church and sang "Amazing Grace" a cappella with no practice and with many unsure of their singing ability. But our "joyful noise", blessed by the hand of God, was sweetly received by the congregation. Kenny sang "Here I Am to Worship" in Spanish and all of us were touched.

Several members of the church then stood and gave their testimonies, and graciously thanked us as we were told of 34 salvations during our 3 days of work. We were especially struck by one woman's sharing that it is because of us, and teams like ours, those who have come before, that she first heard of Jesus Christ, and is now a Christian. She said that she was not alone in that, and that because of what they have seen NC Baptists do in her community, their church has felt called to also plant churches among their people and to spread the Gospel. Through the grace of God, we are in this effort together--Christians worldwide doing their small part to share Jesus as the Saviour.

All too soon our time with these lovely Honduran people was finished. We were once again moved to tears as we said our goodbyes, hugging children, kissing ladies, shaking hands, taking pictures, trying to absorb the love and kindness of these fellow Christians for our memories as we waved a final goodbye.

We bounced off down the road and videotaped this last trip on the "rocky road" for our fellow mission travelers back home. God is good and we thank Him and each of you for your part in this ministry. Buenos Noches. Good night sweet friends.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Honduras Medical Missions

Day Four Draws to an End

It was another great day at the clinic. We saw 210 patients today! That means about 560 people were treated for medical problems and 560 people were given an opportunity to respond to the gospel. These people were also made very aware of a small Baptist church in their area that can help them in their lives. What an awesome ministry this has been!

We also learned how difficult it can be to see patients that you just cannot help. One lady rode on a burrow for 4 hours to come to the clinic. She apparently has a brain tumor. There is no indigent care for such cases in Honduras, so this lady, as well as scores of others, will be left to die without help. We have to realize that we can help alot of people here physically, but there are many that we cannot help. We can at least pray for these folk and offer them a hope found only in Jesus.

Yes, my driving went well. I did have a cow run into my driver's side mirror as the herd passed through the church "parking lot," but there was no damage.

Tomorrow is a day of worship and rest for us. We are really exhausted from the 100 degree heat and dry conditions that we work in. We will get up to a home-cooked breakfast and arrive at church by 9:00. We plan to go out to eat tomorrow and have a day of rest by traveling down to see the coastline not far from here. Then we will return to Choluteca for supper and then nightly devotions and bed. We begin the new clinic location on Monday morning.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day Three Coming to an End

What a day it has been. Be sure to read the following two posts if you have not already done so. We just found out that we will finish up with our clinic at the Baptist Church of Light and Hope tomorrow (Saturday) and then attend worship service there Sunday morning. Then, we will go to Liberty Baptist Church to hold a clinic on Monday (all day) and Tuesday (half day). The church is only about ten minutes from our house, and houses are plentiful in the area. We are expected to be VERY busy. We have already run out of medications for some very common problems and are seeking to buy more drugs from local pharmacies to finish out our work.

The most interesting bit of information I (Kenny) received today is that I will be a driver for our team on these roads. I would say that the "style" of driving favors Malaysia big city driving when on the asphalt roads, and the other roads we travel are more like 4-wheeling it over very rough terrain. Please pray for me! I will be driving a Land Rover. We are losing four of our helpers for Saturday and Sunday, but our team has already adapted with a plan to take care of the vacancies.

The people here are wonderful and so loving and appreciative of our work. We have been blessed with a wonderful church hosting us for our first clinic. The people are so helpful.

Thank you for your prayers and concerns. We also appreciate all the comments you have left on the blog.

Talk with you tomorrow.

Insights from Linda Meadors

Long ago, which seems like yesterday, our church had a missions’ emphasis weekend, and shortly after, Kenny, afire with missions ideas, mentioned that a medical missions trip to Honduras was needed, and were we interested. We tentatively agreed, never really dreaming of the reality. But he required a commitment by a certain date, and we agreed to go.

Many months later, we began our meetings, had witness training, endured several vaccinations, and we were a week away. And it hit me—we’re going to Honduras, and Satan suddenly, and subtly, suggested that perhaps I should be a little nervous, if not fearful.

But I have been going through a Bible study entitled “The Mind of Christ”, and fearful was not on the list of Jesus’ attributes. I thought back to the Psalms that David expressed about fear: “I sought the Lord, and He answered me. He delivered me from all my fears.” Psalms 34:4, and the one where Paul, I think, says “God does not give us the spirit of fear. . .” and “Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.” Psalms 16:1. And I was calmed and ready to go.

Then we left in the early dawn after much scurrying around, packing, leaving instructions, calling family, etc. It occured to me that the same frantic feeling followed us to our first day in Honduras, when I again turned to God and remembered that He said “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10. The rest of that verse reads “I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.” And then we were in Honduras.

While working the first day, a lump formed in my throat when I thought of all the hard work, of the many different people used by God to allow this mission trip to go on—family, friends, co-workers, NC Baptist Men, Medicine for Missions, Blessings International, prayer letters, contribution letters, pill counters, gift donations, prayer warriors, trunk sorting and weighing, the Honduras church, Steve and Elaine (our onsite coordinators), and most importantly, God’s hand and I remembered once again “Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.” Proverbs 3:5-6.

In our Bible study, “The Mind of Christ”, we realized that as Jesus went about his ministry, he was never in a hurry, worried, or afraid. He did His work, the work of His Father, as we are commanded to do. If we are to strive to become more like him, our minds must be more like His—He had the mind of a servant, not a slave, but willing to serve others, just as we are doing this week.

Our team, God’s team, has been an example of the verses “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27. So. . .” Be still, and know that He is God.”

Another Day at the Clinic

Our team completed its second day at the medical clinic today. We saw another 175 patients. The majority of people who came today were children. Classes from the local school walked up the road to be seen by our medical personnel. The morning was quite busy as we saw about 150 patients before our lunch break. The afternoon, in the blistering heat (near 100 degrees F.) kept activity pretty low.

We do have concerns about how busy the clinic will be beyond Saturday, so we are looking into moving the clinic to another church for our Monday and Tuesday clinic days. Wednesday is an off day as we move back to Tegucigalpa to prepare for our journey home.

Everyone has stayed strong and healthy so far. We can feel God's presence with us as we minister to the people here. As you look at the photo album from today, you will see how captivating these people are.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Please continue to lift us to the Father often.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Day of Clinic

We had a wonderful first day of our medical clinic. I have posted photos of the day here. After a very difficult forty minute journey to the church (see the photo album for more understanding), we arrived at the church and began setting up the clinic. People were already waiting to be seen. Our team quickly decided the best way to set up in the one large room offering areas for waiting, triage, nurse exams, doctor exams, and pharmacy. People from the local church were on hand for checking in the people and crowd control. They were wonderful! Patients arrived, checked in, and received a number. A few people at a time were allowed in the church building to wait on their medical care. As families, people would take their turns to be triaged by the nurses and then treated by one of our nurses or our doctor (Walt) depending on the severity of the problem. They would then go to the pharmacy to get their prescriptions filled. We had translators at every stop. After receiving their medications, the people would go outside to hear the gospel message presented by the church's pastor. We know that two people accepted Christ before lunch today!

We saw about 175 people today to provide physical and spiritual help. At least four people walked about 15 miles to come to the clinic. The church leaders expect us to have a larger group turn out tomorrow as word of mouth spreads.

Our team did a fabulous job today. They worked hard without complaint and showed great compassion for the dear souls that we met today.

Tomorrow's clinic starts at 8:00 a.m. (CST) and will probably run until about 4:00. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Arrived safely--bags in tow

Our team arrived safely on time in Honduras with all 15 checked bags of medical supplies--two answers to prayer. We are all very tired from getting little or no sleep last night and then a long journey today. We stopped in Tegucigalpa for a lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken, then went to the NC Guest House there for orientation and a bit of a rest from our travels. Then on to Choluteca via a winding mountainous road that took about three hours of travel time. After arriving at the guest house there, we unloaded everything, ate dinner, and began unpacking all the crates to re-pack for the clinic tomorrow in a remote area about 45 minute's drive along very rough terrain. We leave at 6:45 to be there for a clinic to run 8:00 a.m. to around 4:00 p.m. (CST)

Please pray for us as we figure out how to best make this all work. We learned just before leaving that the Honduran doctor that we were hiring to work with us did not work out. We are promoting some of our nurses to seeing a number of patients that don't require a doctor's care. Also pray for the openness of the people to hear the gospel As it is proclaimed.

We thank you for your prayers.